Discs cushion the bones (vertebrae) that make up the spine in the back. These discs have a tough outer layer (annulus) that surrounds the nucleus and are round, like small pillows. Discs, which are located between each vertebra in the spinal column, serve as shock absorbers for the spinal bones.
If you have neck pain or an aching back as a result of cervical spine damage, don't worry: there are viable treatment options for you. Aakash Healthcare has the best total disc replacement surgeons in Delhi, and you can say goodbye to living in pain after selecting the best treatment options and procedures for you, right here at one of the best hospitals for disc replacement surgery in Delhi. We'll walk you through the entire process, from consultation to surgery, and a dedicated care team will be there to help you through your rehabilitation and recovery.
Aakash Healthcare's orthopaedic department provides successful and effective cervical spine surgeries, artificial disc replacement, and cervical discectomy surgery. If you're thinking about disc surgery and are concerned about aspects of your treatment, such as the time and cost of cervical disc replacement surgery, contact us and we'll help you with whatever you need. Continue reading to learn about these procedures and how they are similar but not the same.
When to go for Disc Replacement Surgery?
When all non-surgical options, such as physical therapy, medications, and injections, fail to relieve pain, orthopaedic surgeons recommend disc replacement surgery. To replicate the functions of a normal disc, the affected disc is replaced with an artificial disc. The artificial disc allows normal motion and bears the same load as the natural one. The procedure takes about 1 to 2 hours and is done under general anaesthesia. Post surgery, patients have regular check-ups with the surgeon/doctor.
One must consider the following points before going for the Disc Replacement Surgery:
Apart from the mentioned requirements above, patients undergoing Disc Replacement Surgery should have no prior history of disc surgery, be in good health, and be free of osteoporosis, spinal infection, arthritis, and spinal deformities.
This eliminates the possibility of later painful vertebral movement. The surgeons will enter the cervical spine from the front of the neck, rather than the back, because it is more convenient. You should be able to return to work and daily activities in a few weeks, but full recovery may take a month or so. In about three months, the vertebrae will be completely fused back together.
Did you know that approximately 70% to 80% of all people experience some form of lower back pain at some point in their lives? However, the majority of people do not require surgery to alleviate their pain. Only after other nonsurgical or conservative treatments have failed to alleviate lower back pain, surgery becomes an option.
We recommend disc replacement surgery for patients who have exhausted all nonsurgical options but continue to experience pain; for this, lumbar fusion surgery is the most commonly used treatment option for lower back pain. If you're wondering what fusion is, it's essentially a type of "welding" in which the goal is to fuse the painful vertebrae together so that they can heal into a single, solid, pain-free bone.
In other cases, patients who had successful fusion surgeries did not experience any improvement in their back pain. Aakash Healthcare is one of Delhi's best hospitals for spine surgery, and with us, you'll have access to the best spine surgeons in the field to help you get better.
While lumbar fusion provides significant relief for many patients, the outcomes of the surgery vary: even if you are treated by the best lumbar disc replacement surgeons in Delhi.
Some medical professionals believe that the inability to improve after fusion surgery is due to the fact that fusion does not allow normal motion in the spine. For this reason, artificial disc replacement, which allows for normal motion, has emerged as a viable option for low back pain. If you're curious about the cost of artificial disc replacement surgery or want to learn more about this novel procedure, please contact us.
Recovery after the disc replacement Surgery: Patients who have had a disc replacement surgery typically require only one or two days in the hospital. Any additional pain or unexpected difficulty may require a stay in the hospital for an extra day or two. Patients can walk the next day with the assistance of a collar.
Doctors also advise a few gentle exercises during the recovery process. Within a month of the surgery, the doctor calls the patient for a follow-up appointment and takes an X-ray to ensure the disc is in place.
What are the benefits of Disc Replacement Surgery?