Spondylitis is caused by an inflammatory condition of the joint, which leads to arthritis.It is one of the most common causes of back and neck pain and is caused by an inflammation of the vertebral joints. The problem with detecting the condition is that it develops silently and only becomes apparent once it has fully developed. Spondylitis pain is typically concentrated in the cervical region of the neck, shoulder, and lower spine, with instances and stings of pain spreading further downwards.
Spondylitis is technically a type of arthritis and is common, but usually not serious. Many people who have it do not feel any pain, though it can be painful for some. The majority of patients with spinal osteoarthritis do not require surgery but if the condition worsens and is not cured by medication and physical exercises, surgical intervention may require. The types of Spondylitis are given below:
Symptoms of Spondylitis :
Treatment for Spondylitis:
A comprehensive treatment plan includes medication and exercise to help maintain a normal upright posture and spinal mobility, reducing the impact of hip and other joint manifestations and pain and stiffness.
Stretching and spinal exercises can improve mobility and posture while minimising long-term effects.
Medications for Spondylitis: Your doctor will recommend the best medication option for you, which will usually differ from case to case. The medication categories are as follows:
When a joint has been severely damaged, total hip, shoulder, or knee replacement are options for restoring mobility. Since the advent of magnetic resonance imaging, corrective spinal surgery has become a safer option, and it may be required if your spine fuses into a severely bent position.