Poor dietary choices, increasing stress and a sedentary lifestyle have led to a spike in diabetes cases. A recent report reveals that India has over 74 million diabetic patients - the second-highest number in the world. You can now imagine how rapidly this condition is expanding its footsteps across India. 

The disease occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin (a hormone responsible for regulating blood glucose) or can’t use it effectively. As a result, the blood glucose or blood sugar rises, leading to a condition called hyperglycaemia.  

People with this disease often ask - is diabetes reversible? Or is there any natural cure for this disease? 

Well, diabetes is an incurable lifelong disease. But experts believe making necessary tweaks in lifestyle at the right moment can make a difference. Here, we’ll discuss some ways that can benefit you.

Which patients have higher chances of reversing diabetes?

Patients who tick the below boxes have higher chances of reversing diabetes.

  • Under 60 years of age
  • Less than 5 years of diabetes journey
  • Motivated and dedicated
  • Less than 9% HbA1C at the time of diagnosis

Identify what causes increased blood sugar level

Whatever you eat has an impact on your blood sugar level. For example, after eating two maida chapatis, your blood sugar might rise to 208 mg/dl, which is more than normal. The glycemic response not only varies with the food you eat but also varies from person to person. 

So, you should be very careful while preparing your grocery list. For this, you need to know which food raises your blood sugar level.

You can create a better meal plate for yourself in many ways. You can talk to a dietician and ask him/her to prepare a personalised meal plan for you.

Consider Daily Physical Activity

Regular exercise is considered a good investment that goes a long way. Consider exercises that help you improve core strength. It has been seen that people with good core strength have 33% less risk of stroke, diabetes and heart disease. You should do exercises for at least 150 minutes each week. Here’re the eight best exercises for diabetic patients:

  • Cycling
  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Aerobic dance
  • Swimming 
  • Resistance band exercises
  • Weightlifting
  • Callisthenics (pushups, squats, pullups, abdominal crunches, lunges, etc.)

Not only do these exercises help you manage your blood sugar, but they also allow you to get in good shape.

Manage your stress  

These days, many people are suffering from stress, which affects their mental and physical health. Experts also consider it a risk factor for diabetes.

Tips for managing your stress

  • Exercise regularly
  • Take deep breaths
  • Maintain a healthy balanced diet
  • Give yourself ‘Me Time’
  • Go easy on yourself
  • Talk to your supportive friends & family members

Apart from stress management, focus on sleep. Sleep plays an important role in cleansing our body and keeping overall well-being. Consider regular sleep of at least 7 to 8 hours. If you have high blood sugar levels or are diagnosed with diabetes, you should immediately consult a doctor to take the necessary steps at the right time.

Also, Read: Can You Stop Development of Diabetes with Lifestyle Changes?

with Dr. Rakesh Pandit


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