A kidney transplant is a surgical procedure that aims to replace a diseased or failing kidney with a healthy kidney, received from a donor. The donated kidney can be obtained from a deceased organ donor (one who willfully donates their organs in the event of their death). A kidney may also be procured from a living donor. Family members are usually a good match and can donate one of their kidneys; this type of transplant is called a living transplant. Living donors who donate a kidney will continue to live normal, healthy lives with even one healthy and functional kidney.

The aim of kidney failure treatment is to replace the work of a failing or diseased kidney and there are two options: dialysis and a kidney transplant. Many individuals prefer kidney transplants as patients won’t need to visit a dialysis centre over and over. We advise anyone looking for kidney failure treatments options, before taking any decision, talk to people who have had a kidney transplant and those who are on dialysis. Consultation with a kidney specialist and your family members will also be necessary. 

Getting a kidney transplant is not a minor procedure, and patients have many questions before making their decision on how to go about treatment. We’ve listed a few frequently asked questions regarding kidney transplants down below, feel free to go through them, and in case you have a query that isn’t listed below; get in touch with us and we’ll assist you as best we can. 

The first question to be answered should be what is a kidney transplant.

In a kidney transplant, a healthy kidney is taken from a donor and placed inside another body where it will perform the work in place of a kidney that has failed. 


What is better? Dialysis or a kidney transplant

If you live with dialysis, you’ll need to visit a dialysis centre often and live a much disciplined life. In case you get a kidney transplant, there are fewer restrictions on your life and on what you eat and drink, but following a healthy diet is always advised. A successful kidney transplant allows people the chance to live the life they lived before their kidney disease. Studies have also shown that individuals who get kidney transplants tend to live longer than those who keep with dialysis.

However, there are also certain downsides to getting a kidney transplant. There will be the matter of diligently taking anti-rejection medicines for as long as the new kidney is functioning, and these medications may have side effects and a higher risk for contracting infections.

You should know that most kidney transplants are successful and with some of the best kidney surgeons in Delhi by your side at Aakash Healthcare, you’ll be in safe hands.


Preemptive and early kidney transplant 

A preemptive kidney transplant is when a person gets a transplant before the need for dialysis arises, which allows the chance of avoiding dialysis altogether. Getting a transplant soon after a kidney fails (but before the need for dialysis) is called an early transplant. Both transplants, according to research have shown good promise in affording patients, they have a good shot at regaining proper health, allowing many to resume work, spend time doing the things they like, and lead a better life altogether. 


Who is eligible for a kidney transplant?

People of any age may seek to get a transplant as kidney failure can occur at any age. Candidates must, however, be healthy enough to undergo the procedure in the first place, and also be free of diseases like cancer and other infections. Each individual who is considered for a kidney transplant will be comprehensively examined to ensure they are suitable candidates for a transplant. This medical, social, and psychological evaluation helps doctors and care teams detect any problems before surgery so that these can then be corrected before transplant. 

Can the elderly or those with existing health problems get a kidney transplant?

Owing to advancements in kidney transplant procedures, many elderly people or those with other health conditions have undergone successful kidney transplants. Again, a comprehensive and tailored evaluation will be done to deal with any risks. Candidates may have to take some measures to reduce or lessen the risks and improve their chances of getting a successful transplant. 

How to apply for a kidney transplant?

You can get yourself examined by a doctor who will refer you to a transplant centre; recognised hospitals where kidney transplants are performed. You’ll be evaluated there, and put on a waiting list in case you want to go for a deceased donor kidney, and if you have a living donor; the procedure will be performed as soon as possible. 


If you want to have the answer to questions like, how successful is the kidney transplant, or kidney transplant procedure, or is kidney transplant better than dialysis, please book an appointment with us and get consulted by some of the best kidney transplant doctors in Delhi.


with Dr. Vikas Agarwal


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