The brain is a complex organ responsible for different nervous system functions. Abnormal and uncontrollable growth of cells in this organ can lead to a tumour (mass of tissue) which can be both cancerous and non-cancerous (benign). There are over 120 types of brain tumours known. A brain tumour can develop in any part of the brain, including the skull protective lining, skull base, brainstem, sinuses and nasal cavity, to name a few.
The symptoms depend on the tumour's size, location and growth rate. Generally, people diagnosed with brain cancer experience the following symptoms:
- Seizures
- Behavioural and mental changes
- Difficulty making decisions
- Persistently feeling nausea
- Difficulty with speech
- Feeling weakness
- Vision problems
- Hearing problems
- Balance problems or dizziness
- Difficulty in following the simple commands
- Gradual loss of sensation and movements in an arm or leg
- Headaches that become more frequent and severe
Researchers believe when specific genes on a cell's chromosomes are unable to function correctly or get damaged, DNA changes. But they are not sure why this happens. DNA in a chromosome instructs the cells throughout the body - when to grow, divide, multiply and die.
When the brain cells DNA changes, it starts giving new instructions to brain cells. And the body starts developing abnormal cells that grow and multiply uncontrollably and form a tumour.
Risk Factors
- Age: Most brain tumours occur after 85 years of age. However, some types of brain tumours are more common in children.
- Genetic Conditions: Genetic syndromes like neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2, tuberous sclerosis and turner syndrome increases the risk of getting a brain tumour.
- Radiation Exposure: High exposure to radiotherapy, CT scans and X-rays puts a person at risk of brain tumour.
Diagnosing a brain tumour is a complex process and requires several specialists. The doctor may begin with a physical examination. He will also perform a neurological examination to check for balance, coordination, vision, hearing, reflexes and mental status.
Moreover, the doctor may recommend some tests, like:
- Brain MRI or CT scan: These are good imaging tests to detect a tumour. Before these tests, the doctor may inject a contrast agent into one of your veins to see the tumour easily.
- Biopsy: The surgeon will take a small part of the tumour and send it to the pathology lab for analysis.
- Spinal tap (lumbar puncture): In this test, the doctor removes cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) using a small needle from the spine. This fluid is then analysed in a laboratory for cancer cells.
Treatment of a brain tumour depends on its location, type, size and other factors. Based on that, your doctor can recommend the following treatments:
- Radiation therapy: High doses of X-rays are used to kill tumour cells or shrink the tumour.
- Radiation surgery: It's a type of radiation therapy that uses focused beams of radiation to destroy a tumour. However, it's not actually a surgery as it doesn't involve any incision.
- Brachytherapy: It is a form of radiation therapy in which a doctor surgically places the radioactive seeds, implants or capsules directly in or near the tumour.
- Chemotherapy: This treatment involves anticancer drugs. These drugs are given to patients to kill cancer cells in the brain and throughout the body.
- Targeted therapy: This treatment uses drugs that target cancer cells without damaging nearby healthy cells. Doctors recommend this to those who have trouble tolerating the side effects of chemotherapy.
- Immunotherapy: It is also known as biological therapy. The therapy is used to stimulate the immune system to do its job more effectively.
- Surgery: If the surgeon suspects that you need surgery, he will advise you for a procedure to remove the tumour from the brain.
A brain tumour is a debilitating disease that can affect overall well-being if not treated timely. If you or anyone in your known experience the symptoms mentioned above, reach out to a doctor. Also, it is recommended by experts to consider periodic health checkups for early diagnosis.
Also, Read: Headache: Could It Be a Brain Tumor?
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