With an increase in obesity and cardiovascular health problems, stroke has become a common problem. So common that every 40 seconds someone gets a stroke. And every 4 minutes someone dies from this condition. This is a call for all of us to take crucial measures for stroke prevention, otherwise, such figures will continue to horror us.

Managing the risk factors is one of the best ways to get this figure in control. There are two types of risk factors:

  • Non-modifiable: Age, ethnicity, gender, family history and genetic factors.
  • Modifiable: Hypertension, obesity, diabetes mellitus, heart problems, smoking, alcohol, diet and exercise

Out of them, you can control the modifiable risk factors through lifestyle changes.

Monitor your blood pressure

Hypertension is a major risk factor for ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes. Up to 90% of cases are caused by it. However, many of these cases can be prevented by keeping the blood pressure in a normal range (120/80 mmHg). For this, you can restrict your salt intake to less than 1500 milligrams a day, avoid high-cholesterol foods, exercise regularly, quit smoking and include a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Keep yourself in good shape

Obesity raises your odds of having a stroke. As per a study, the risk of ischemic strokes increases by 22% in overweight individuals and 64% in obese. Thus, it is crucial to shed some pounds to get in good shape. Reduce your calorie intake to 1500-2000 calories per day and exercise regularly.

Manage your diabetes

Diabetes is a strong risk factor for ischemic stroke factors and is further associated with other risk factors. So, monitor your blood sugar level regularly, take prescribed medicines timely and adjust your diet.

Quit smoking

Smoking raises the risk of ischemic strokes by two to four times. Quitting it can play a critical role in preventing stroke. Use aids like nicotine patches/pills, medicine and counselling. It is important to keep trying to quit. Not in one day, but one day you will be able to achieve this goal.
Limit alcohol intake
Excessive alcohol use for a long time raises the risk of numerous conditions, including stroke. So, it is better to either stop or limit the alcohol intake. A man should not consume more than two drinks a day and a woman should not exceed more than one drink.

Eat healthy

Consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts. You can also include a moderate amount of fish, poultry and dairy products. Additionally, limit saturated fat, trans-fat, red meat and sugar.

Address heart problems

Heart diseases also have a share in increasing stroke cases. So, do not take any heart problem lightly and consult your doctor for prompt treatment.

Regular health checkups

This is a crucial aspect you should consider to identify any abnormal signs at an early stage. Talk to our experts now to book your appointment for health checkups.

with Dr. Madhukar Bhardwaj


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