Having proper knowledge about contraception before sex is very important. This helps you prevent unwanted pregnancy, which leads to a lot of stress for both the partners and guilt too. Also, it allows you to plan the number and spacing of children.

So, here we are going to discuss the various contraceptive methods available. Then you can better decide which one is best for you.

Types of contraceptives

Though there are various ways to prevent pregnancy, we have categorised some of the common types of contraceptives:

  • Fertility awareness

This is about knowing the days when there are fewer chances of getting pregnant. For this, women need to track their menstrual cycle and fertility days. This helps to recognize when the ovaries release the eggs (ovulation). The days near ovulation are unsafe for sex without any birth control method. This means at this time a woman is more likely to get pregnant. 

You can use this knowledge to prevent pregnancy by avoiding sex without any birth control method during those fertility days. This type of contraception is also known as ‘the rhythm method’ and ‘natural family planning method’. The fertility awareness method is 77-98% effective. 

To know your fertility days, the following ways can help you:

Note: It’s more effective if you combine all these three methods.

  • Calendar method: It will help you predict your fertile days. Use a calendar and mark the first day of your period and then record the first day of the next period. Repeat the procedure for at least 6 menstrual cycles. Now, enumerate the days between each cycle. Remember, if all of your cycles are shorter than 27, this method may not be very accurate for you.

Now, to estimate the first fertile day after 6 cycles, subtract 18 from the total number of days of the shortest cycle in your record. Let's say the number comes out as ‘8’. After that, you need to count from day 1 of your current cycle till 8 and mark the date ‘Y’. The day marked ‘Y’ is your first fertile day. From this day, you should avoid having sex without any other birth control method till the last fertile day in your current cycle.

Now, to predict the last fertile day in your current cycle, first, find the longest cycle from your record. Now, subtract 11 from the total number of days of that cycle. Let's say the number comes out as ‘19’. Then, start counting from day 1 of your current periodic cycle till 19 and mark that day ‘Z’. The day ‘Z’ is the last fertile day in your current cycle. You should avoid having sex from the day ‘Y’ to day ‘Z’. And from the next day of ‘Z,’ you may start having sex without needing any birth control method.

  • Temperature method: This method allows you to track your ovulation by measuring your body temperature. The body temperature changes a tiny bit throughout the menstrual cycle. In the first part of the cycle, it lowers and then rises when you ovulate. For most people, the temperature before ovulation is 96°-98° Fahrenheit, and after ovulation, the temperature goes to 97°-99° Fahrenheit.

For this method, you need to take the temperature right after you awake in the morning using a basal thermometer. Some basal thermometers are placed in the mouth, and others in the rectum to record the temperature.

Rectal thermometers are considered more reliable. You need to keep the thermometer in place for 5 minutes. You need to take the temperature the same way and at the same time each day for at least 3 months.

In three months, you’ll start seeing a pattern. Please note that there are other factors too that can affect the body temperature, like smoking, stress, jet lag, etc. So, consider these things to understand your natural menstrual cycle better.

  • Cervical mucus method: This method helps you predict your most fertile days. This can be done by checking the cervical mucus. The cervical mucus is produced by the same hormones that regulate your menstrual cycle. The mucus comes out from the vagina as discharge and changes its colour, amount and texture during the menstrual cycle, especially around ovulation.

You need to check your cervical mucus for at least 1 cycle before you rely on this method. There are 3 ways to check the cervical mucus. 

  1. First, take a white-coloured hygienic tissue paper and wipe the vaginal opening before you pee. This will help you see the colour and feel of the mucus.
  2. Second, look at the texture and colour of the discharge on the underwear.
  3. Third, wash your fingers and put them into the vagina and check the texture and colour of the mucus.

To understand what texture and colour of the mucus is an indication of safe and unsafe days (fertile days), you need to know the following things:

  1. During periods, you won’t notice cervical mucus because blood flow covers the mucus.
  2. You won’t get mucus for 3-4 days after periods. These are known as dry days and are usually safe days if the cycle is long.
  3. As ovulation is about to happen, the body starts making more mucus because the egg starts to ripen. The mucus feels tacky or sticky and is cloudy, yellow or white. You may notice the mucus at the vaginal opening for 3-5 days. These days are considered less safe.
  4. You are most likely to have the most mucus right before and during ovulation. The mucus is clean and feels slippery. These sli ppery days are unsafe days and last for about 4 days.
  5. You may suddenly have less mucus after ovulation. The mucus will become sticky and cloudy. These days are safe and last for 11-14 days. Then, the period starts and the cycle repeats.
  6. One needs to be very careful while checking the mucus. You can take the help of a doctor to better understand this. You also need to know that certain things can alter the natural cervical mucus. For example, some medications, douching, early menopause, sexually transmitted infections, etc.
  • Withdrawal technique: In this method, the male partner needs to ejaculate outside the vagina so that sperm is not available for fertilisation. For this, the male partner needs to have great self-control. If the withdrawal isn’t proper or pre-ejaculation contains sperm, there are chances of getting pregnant. The method works about 78% of the time.
  • Barrier method: A barrier between the vagina and penis blocks the sperm from reaching an egg. Male condoms are the most acceptable method of contraception. Another option is female condoms. Barrier methods are easier to apply and prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If this method is used properly, the effectiveness is over 87%.
  • Hormonal contraception: This method works by blocking the release of eggs from the ovaries, thickening the mucus in the cervix or thinning the line of the uterus. These contraceptives comprise progesterone only or a combination of estrogen and progesterone.

You can take oral medications or intramuscular injections. Moreover, there are birth control patches and intradermal implants. If hormonal contraceptives are used properly, they can provide effectiveness of about 97% to 99%. 

But you need to take care of one thing while using this method. You need to take them diligently and as prescribed by the doctor. In some conditions, doctors recommend avoiding this contraception method. These conditions include migraine, liver disease, thromboembolic episodes, etc.

There is also a risk of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, mood changes, sore breasts, irregular periods, acne, bloating, weight gain and decreased sexual desire. 

  • Intrauterine devices (IUDs): This method is highly reliable and can last for 3-10 years. They are easily reversible and around 99% effective. There are three generations in this method.

The first Generation IUD is the Lippes Loop, which is a no longer can use a flexible polyethylene plastic trapezoidal loop that prevents the fertilisation of sperm with eggs in the female reproductive system.

The second-generation IUDs work based on the copper release. These include CuT 375, CuT 380A, etc. Since copper is spermicidal in nature, these devices prevent pregnancy.

The third-generation IUDs contain hormones, like LNG - 20, progestasert, etc. They release hormones which make the uterus unsuitable for sperm survival and implantation. These are usually prescribed to those who have heavy menstrual cycles.

  • Permanent method: This involves a minor operation by which a man or woman is sterilised. For males, there is a procedure called vasectomy. In this procedure, the tubes that carry the sperm are closed off. And for females, there is tubectomy, in which the fallopian tubes are blocked so that eggs don’t reach the uterus. These procedures can be done very easily without blood loss and stitches.
  • Emergency contraception: This method is used when you had sex without any birth control method or if that method didn’t work. Unwanted 72 and i-Pill are the common emergency contraceptives. These pills have high doses of progesterone that delay ovulation or don’t allow ovulation to happen.

Also, Read: Things to Avoid During Pregnancy

with Dr. Taruna Dua


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