Bones are tissues that continuously break and rebuild in tiny amounts. It is extremely important to keep the bones healthy, they provide a framework for the body, protect vital organs, and help one walk or run. Bones normally reach their peak bone mass by the age of 30. Indians are more at risk of developing bone-related diseases due to low peak bone mass, poor calcium, and vitamin D deficiency.
A bone bruise is a wound to a bone that is less severe than a fracture. One might have in mind black and blue patches and marks on the skin when the word bruise comes up. Bones and muscles can get bruises too. Bones can get bruised when small blood vessels get damaged by an injury.
Bone is made of different tissues and layers. The deepest layer of the bone gets damaged when a fracture happens, which is quite different from a bruise as only the outer layer of the bone gets injured which might make the blood and fluid seep into the adjoining blood vessels and tissues. Such an injury might cause hemorrhage and inflammation in the area between your cartilage and the bone beneath it. A bone bruise is a present-day term as Doctors have started ruling out the injury recently with the help of MRI as bone bruise does not show on an X-Ray film.
Bone bruises are commonplace and can happen to of any age. Any bone in the body can get bruised, which is normally followed by other injuries where the ligaments around the bruised bone get damaged too. Injury of any kind can cause bruises in the bones for example road traffic accidents, and sports injuries such as sprains and twists. Severe arthritis can cause bruises on the bones too.
A bone bruise is very painful and lasts longer than compared with soft tissue injury. One should see a doctor if there is fever, pain, and inflammation in the area and soft tissues near it, and the following symptoms prevail for a long; If there is stiffness and swelling near the injured joint and a change in color of the affected area. Your doctor might prescribe an MRI to rule out bone bruises, and a simple X-Ray to find out fractures.
Most bruises heal without any complications. If a bone bruise is big, the body might have a problem getting the flow of blood back to the affected area. In rare cases, it can cause avascular necrosis of the bone, which leads to death of the affected area of the bone.
It may include resting the affected area for a few weeks to months depending on the size of the affected area, applying ice packs repeatedly, lifting to reduce inflammation, Inflammatory and pain-relieving medicine. There might be a few over-the-counter medications, which your doctor might ask to skip as such medicines delay the healing process.
It is a misconception to think that age is the only risk causing bone-related diseases, such problems can happen to anyone and at any age. To prevent bone bruises one can protect using safety gear while playing sports, riding and driving, etc.
One should take proteins, an adequate calcium-packed diet, dairy products, and vitamin D supplements. Such a diet will help in the healing process.
It is advised to cut down on alcohol consumption, smoking, and caffeine as too much caffeine hinder with body’s capability to absorb calcium, decreasing bone mass.
Exercise is essential for good bone health, and also the heart, lungs, and brain. Running also helps in maintaining weight, lowering cholesterol levels, it reduces stress and depression. Regular exercise also helps in boosting immunity, maintaining bone strength, better joint function, keeping the extra kilos under control, and improving the overall quality of life.
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