Knee pain is no longer an uncommon phenomenon. Over 15 crore people, majorly above 50 years of age, are suffering from knee problems in India, of which around 4 crore patients need total knee replacement surgery (TKR).
From obesity to family history, age-related bone degeneration, calcium and Vitamin D deficiency, desk-bounded lifestyle, arthritis, and other inflammatory issues contribute to knee ailments. These problems often cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the knee, making it difficult to walk, climb stairs and perform routine chores. In such cases, doctors usually advise surgery.
While increasing incidences of knee-related issues are a concern, the biggest challenge lies with people continuing to live with the pain. That's all because of the myths and fears related to knee replacement surgery and post-operative life. There's a much need to clear the air around these myths so people can confidently undergo surgery.
Fact: Knee replacement surgery has about a 95% success rate and is a highly effective solution for repairing the knee and restoring its function. It has shown remarkable results and given a new lease of life to many. It's good to know that over 90% of knee replacements are still functional after 15 years.
Fact: Artificial implants are made of special types of metals that are compatible with the body and can stay in shape without causing adverse effects.
Fact: You can comfortably move your knee after the surgery. There will be no problem with moving the bones, walking, sitting, resting, swimming, driving and doing regular activities. You may need a walker or assistance for the first few weeks. But after four to six weeks, you will be able to walk on your own. And after 12 weeks, you'll be able to perform all your routine activities.
Fact: There's no age cutoff for knee replacement surgery. People in their 60s can benefit from this procedure. The good news is that the risk of complications for older adults is also low.
Fact: Physiotherapy begins immediately after the surgery in the hospital. During discharge, the hospital team will train you to perform the necessary exercises at home. This is important to achieve the best possible recovery.
Fact: Diabetes and blood pressure are no longer a bar for knee replacement surgery. A patient with such conditions is first evaluated by the doctor and given pre-anaesthetic medications. If everything signals yes, the doctor will start the procedure.
Fact: As discussed earlier, knee implants are made using special materials that are inert - which means they don't react with the body tissue. However, if the patient is allergic to a specific material, the doctor advises an implant that is compatible with his/her body.
Fact: Pain management techniques have become very advanced. You'll not feel pain during surgery. Even post-surgery, the pain is negligible for many and can be limited by medications. The physiotherapy treatment after surgery also helps to reduce stiffness and pain and increase flexibility.
Fact: Most patients ambulate within the first 6 hours of the surgery. Unilateral TKR patients are ambulated with a stick, while Bilateral TKR patients take their first steps with a walker. Once you reach home and start your prescribed medication and exercise regimen, you'll be surprised at how soon you are recovering and regaining your mobility.
Fact: You'll be required to take pain medications during recovery. You can leave these medications after consulting your doctor.
Knee replacement surgery is effective for repairing the knee and restoring its function. It is the mainstay treatment for all end-stage or severe cases of knee arthritis. The surgery of knee replacement has been in practice for more than four decades, and a multitude of advancements have taken place in technology, implant quality and various other aspects. But even today, some people are very scared to undergo this procedure. Discuss with your doctor if you've any questions related to the surgery. He will explain the whole procedure and answer all your questions.
At Aakash Healthcare, we are running a novel S.P.E.E.D. Knee Program, which has brought a New Generation of Surgical Excellence in Knee Replacement Surgeries. A self-designed innovative program aims at conducting knee replacement surgery in a safe & painless manner and precise implantation of the artificial knee. It is the first of its kind Knee Program, which makes the overall experience of the patient 'Near Perfect'. The program also uses robotics for adding precision to the surgery and hence ensures longevity and lifelong performance of the 'New Knee'. For more information, consult our experts now!
Also, Read: What is Knee Replacement Surgery?
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