Situations like these are difficult to eradicate and prevent in the times to come. So rather than just struggling with the changes outside, we must make some major changes inside the body. And this especially is relevant for the newly born munchkins, who have just arrived in the world.

What are we offering them, what are we leaving behind us, for them to thrive upon?

Besides all the harm, which we have already done to the environment, there is one thing that goes beyond all the medication provided by our mother nature, that is 'Breast-milk’. Although it has become a trend nowadays to offer artificial feed to babies, the reasons may be many, stress factors, family pressure, working moms, lazy babies, and delayed early initiation of breastfeeding. It has struck me hard in this crucial crisis that there's only this one thing that can save our babies and be better prepared for the future, stronger and sharper from the inside.

'Breast milk is a strong natural immunity booster that no scientist can imbibe in an artificial powder feed or a laboratory. It is full of antibodies that can fight even those diseases we can't even think of. It helps prevent respiratory infections, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, and many more like these. Wholesome food and medication for your little love.

Also, during this pandemic, the mothers, family members, and people all around are under stress, even the news we watch or conversations we have are becoming so negative that it is difficult for a mother to pass on good, happy, and positive hormones to the children. With breastfeeding a mother not only just fills up the baby’s tummy, but also fills up the baby’s heart and soul with positive vibrations and energy that I believe is the need of the hour. 

Also, Read: New Born Baby Care



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