There are a series of valves in the body that ensure that the blood flows from the legs to the heart properly. There are certain conditions these valves become weak and start leaking and blood starts flowing in the reverse direction towards the feet which leads to gradual dilation of the veins which we see as blue veins in the legs. These blue veins are called Varicose Veins. These veins are twisted, enlarged, and swollen. This is a mild variation of common veins and does not create problems in many people but some people might experience severe pain and discomfort and require medical intervention. It is estimated that 6-7 % of the total population faces this issue. If we translate that to India about 84 million people suffer from Varicose veins.
There are tiny valves in our veins that open during blood flow towards our heart then close to stop blood flow towards the backward direction, but when these valves become weak or get damaged, blood starts flowing backward direction and accumulates in the veins causing veins to twist, stretch and swollen.
The study is underway to understand the exact cause of Varicose veins but the following are the potential risk factors that can increase the risk of Varicose Veins.
For people who do not experience pain, the symptoms include dark purple or blue color, and twisted and swollen veins. Symptoms in people who experience the discomfort of pain include:-
There are spider veins similar to Varicose veins but are smaller are found closer to the skin’s surface and are blue or red. Spider veins vary in size and often look like a spider’s web.
Diagnosis of Varicose Veins- Doctors will examine you physically. You may be advised for an ultrasound to see if the valves in your veins are functioning properly or if there is a blood clot. Your doctor may advise color doppler duplex ultrasound to identify any abnormalities in the veins.
Treatment of Varicose veins:- Varicose veins generally do not require invasive procedures and can be treated on an outpatient basis. It can also be controlled by taking self-care treatments like avoiding long periods of standing or sitting, losing weight, and avoid wearing tight clothes. These steps can help reduce discomfort and pain and prevent varicose veins from getting worse. A compression stocking is often the first approach before moving on to any other treatments. Stockings can help treat Varicose veins in the early stage. It steadily squeezes the legs and helps veins and legs muscle flow blood smoothly. But the surgical intervention may be required if stockings and medication do not work. Surgical techniques include:-
A thin laser(600 microns in diameter) is introduced in the vein through a tiny needle, once it reaches the targeted area of the leaking vein, laser energy is delivered into the vein and closes the vein within a matter of few minutes. The advantage of this technique is that the patient does not require a stay in the hospital. The overall cost of the treatment is very less.
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