Tooth sensitivity is one of the most common reasons why people visit a dentist. It is a sudden & sharp sensation, which is felt on the teeth when they are exposed to air, cold or hot liquids, and even sweets. There are multiple reasons, which lead to tooth sensitivity. One of the reasons is aggressive brushing, improper brushing, or using a very hard-bristled toothbrush. Another reason for tooth sensitivity could be gum problems or teeth clenching. It could be because of several reasons, like cracking of teeth, and excessive consumption of acidic foods that is also underlying reason for a cavity. So, there are certain ways to cure tooth sensitivity, we need to treat the underlying cause of it.
The first step has to be correcting the way you brush i.e. using a soft-bristled brush and brushing with soft strokes. The second step will be seeing your dentist regularly also if there is a cavity suggested by your dentist, then it needs to get treated because that could be the reason for your tooth sensitivity and in case of bruxism or clenching of teeth, we need to go for night guards. In short, if we are treating the cause, we are treating the problem. So, the bottom line is “Do eat your apples, but do see your dentist.”
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