Hearing loss is an abnormality in which a person loses the ability to communicate and interact with others. It ranges from mild to profound and may affect one or both ears.

The main causes of hearing loss include congenital (a condition that is present at birth) issues, chronic middle ear infections, noise exposure, ageing and ototoxic drugs that damage the inner ear. It may also result from ear infections, ruptured eardrums, or other factors.

This disability can have a significant impact on people's lives. It can result in lack of confidence and low self-esteem and can limit a person's ability to learn to speak a new language.

Causes of Hearing Loss

  • Earwax buildup: Accumulated earwax can block the ear canal, preventing sound waves from reaching the inner ear.
  • Ear infections, bone growths, or tumours: These can occur in the outer or middle ear and contribute to hearing loss.
  • Ruptured eardrum (tympanic membrane perforation): Loud noises, sudden pressure changes, injury, or infections may cause the eardrum to burst.
  • Age and noise exposure: Both factors are significant contributors to hearing loss.
  • Inner ear damage: Ageing and loud sounds can wear down the cochlear hairs or nerve cells that transmit sound to the brain.

Types of Hearing Loss

  • Conductive Hearing Loss: Conductive hearing loss affects the outer or middle ear, obstructing sound from reaching the inner ear. Blockages like earwax or foreign objects, fluid buildup, infections, bone irregularities, or eardrum injuries can cause this type of loss.
  • Sensorineural Hearing Loss: This occurs when the inner ear or hearing nerve sustains damage, often from ageing, loud noise, injury, diseases, certain drugs, or inherited conditions. It is the most common type of hearing loss.
  • Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss: This hearing loss can arise abruptly or over days and requires immediate medical attention. Delayed treatment (two weeks or more after symptoms start) reduces the effectiveness of medications.
  • Mixed Hearing Loss: This combination of sensorineural and conductive hearing loss requires thorough testing to determine the appropriate treatment.


Symptoms of hearing loss may include:

  • Unclear sounds and speech.
  • Challenges with certain consonants.
    Frequently asking others to speak more slowly or loudly.
  • Increasing the volume on devices like the TV or radio.
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus).
  • Avoiding social settings.

If you experience sudden hearing loss, especially in one ear, seek medical help immediately. Age-related hearing loss is gradual and early detection can be difficult.


Diagnosis can be done by the following methods:

  • Physical exam: A healthcare provider checks for earwax buildup, infection, or structural issues.
  • Screening tests: Whisper tests, covering one ear while listening to words at various volumes, can indicate hearing responsiveness.
  • App-based tests: Mobile apps on tablets can provide preliminary hearing screenings.
  • Tuning fork tests: Tuning forks help detect hearing loss and locate ear damage.
  • Audiometer tests: Audiologists conduct detailed tests by sending sounds through earphones to each ear to identify the softest sound you can hear.
    Treatment and Management

Treatments are different depending on the type of hearing loss:

1. Conductive hearing loss

Medications, like antibiotics, to treat ear infections.
Surgeries, including tympanoplasty, to repair a ruptured eardrum, tympanostomy to
insert ear tubes or surgery to remove tumours.
Procedures to remove earwax or other objects in your ear canal.

2. Sensorineural hearing loss

Medications, like corticosteroids, to reduce swelling in your cochlea hair cells. (You can damage your cochlea hair cells if you’re exposed to loud noise.)
Management like hearing aids and cochlear implants.

3. Mixed hearing loss

Treatments vary based on the specific issues affecting your outer, middle and inner ear.
Diagnosis of hearing impairment before six months of age is crucial to avoid future delays in speech and language. To get the cure, book an appointment with one of our ENT specialists, at Aakash Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, Dwarka.

with Dr. Abhinit Kumar


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