The brain is no doubt a powerful organ that regulates the whole body. It undergoes several changes with age and incidences we go through. Some leave a major impact on our brain health. This affects our memory, thinking, and functioning capabilities.

These important aspects tell a lot about your brain’s health. This guide will deeply uncover the parameters you should watch for.

What Is Brain Health?

Brain health is the measure of how well your brain can perform various activities. It involves cognitive health (thinking, learning, and remembering), emotional health (responding and interpreting any emotion), motor functions (balancing and movement), and tactile function (responding to external sensations).

A person in a healthy brain state is better able to recognise their abilities & weaknesses and optimize their cognitive, emotional, motor, and tactile functions with changing scenarios like substance use or stress.

The brain is challenged in every situation of mental illness or adversity. That’s why it‘s important to keep a watch on it.

Common Factors That Tell About Your Brain Health

These simple questions may help you get the answer about your mental health:

Forgetting things: Have you recently noticed that you are forgetting regular things more often than not?

Unable to focus: Are you unable to concentrate or struggling to remain on task? Is it normal for you? Or have you recently noticed it?

Problem with sleeping: Are you tossing and turning more often at night? Are you waking more often at night or crashing during the day? Or are you struggling to sleep properly?

Feeling low: Are you not enjoying activities you previously used to enjoy? Are you feeling low or less motivated without any particular reason?

Poor judgement: Are you unable to make good judgments as you used to? Do you feel yourself in the middle of the mud while making any decision? Are you making rushed decisions in complex situations? Are you having trouble following instructions or going to places you know well?

Unmanageable stress: Is daily stress taking a toll on your health? Do you get frustrated more easily? Are you giving bitter replies frequently even to normal questions? Have you become more sensitive?

If you are noticing changes in yourself or someone else is noticing changes in you, talk to a mental health professional. These professionals will help you in tackling these signs and help you improve your mental and brain health.

with Dr. Sneha Sharma


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