The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine in the back. These organs act as a filtration system that filters the blood and removes waste, impurities, and extra water from the body in the form of urine.
But that’s not all. They also help in regulating pH, salt, and potassium. Additionally, they produce hormones that control red blood cell production and regulate blood pressure. Any problem with them can affect your overall well-being.
Common Types of Kidney Diseases
Chronic kidney disease
It is a long-term progressive kidney disease that doesn’t improve with time. It is commonly caused by high blood pressure, which increases the pressure on the glomeruli. Glomeruli are the tiny network of blood vessels in the kidneys where blood is cleaned.
The persistent pressure affects the glomeruli, which reduces the overall kidney function. Diabetes is another common cause of chronic kidney disease. High blood sugar damages the blood vessels in the kidneys over time. In many cases, a patient may need to go on dialysis or for a kidney transplant.
Kidney stones
These days, kidney stones are a common disease. They occur due to the precipitation of minerals and other substances in the kidneys, forming solid stones. Sometimes they come out on their own during urination. Otherwise, they require medical or surgical intervention.
Glomerulonephritis occurs when the glomeruli become damaged and inflamed, causing swelling in the face, feet, ankles, or legs and urine problems. It is caused by infection, certain drugs, and congenital abnormalities. If left untreated, they can lead to kidney failure. Thus, it is important to get a proper and full course of treatment. Treatment generally includes medicine, diet changes, and lifestyle modifications.
Polycystic kidney disease
It is a genetic disorder that causes the development of fluid-filled sacs inside the kidneys. These cysts interfere with kidney functions. If left untreated, it can cause kidney failure. It is important to note that polycystic kidney diseases are different from kidney cysts. The former is a more serious form and requires medical attention.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Urinary tract infections are bacterial infections of any part of the urinary system. The urinary system includes kidneys, ureters, bladders, and urethra. Most UTIs infect the lower urinary tract, which involves the bladder and urethra. The good news is that they are treatable with antibiotics.
Tips to care for your kidneys
Manage blood pressure
A healthy blood pressure reading is 120/80 mmHg. If your blood pressure is constantly above 140/90 mmHg, it’s high time for you to take action. Talk to a doctor about lifestyle changes and medicines to manage your blood pressure.
Be active and fit
Regular exercise can benefit you in many ways other than managing your weight. It can reduce your blood pressure, and kidney problems, and improve overall health. For that, you don’t have to run a marathon or hit hard in the gym. All you need to do is cycling, walking, and be active.
Monitor blood sugar
A fasting blood sugar level of less than 100 mg/dL is normal. A blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL or higher is considered diabetes. Take your medicines timely, eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly, manage weight, and get help from your doctor.
Stay hydrated
Water is the basic foundation of the body. Though not a hard and fast rule, drinking at least eight glasses of water every day is a good choice. Water removes toxins from the kidneys. People with kidney stones should drink more water than the recommended and include water-rich foods in their diet like watermelon.
Quit smoking
Smoking damages the blood vessels, which slow down the blood flow throughout the body. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer. Thus, quitting smoking is the best option for you. You can join a smoking cessation program for this purpose.
Take medicines cautiously
If you regularly take OTC (over-the-counter) medicines, you may be unintentionally damaging your kidneys. So, always talk to your doctor before taking any medicines.
Get your kidneys tested periodically
These periodic checkups are important and helpful in detecting any problem at an early stage. Thus, allowing you to get prompt and cost-effective treatment at the right time.
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