Breast cancer is explained as symptoms of a lump in the breast, discharge from the nipple (sometimes with blood), and changes in the shape or surface of the nipple or breast.
Breast cancer treatment depends on the stage of cancer. This treatment may include chemotherapy, radiation, hormone therapy, surgery, or a combination of different options.
People might not be able to separate myth from fact when it comes to Breast cancer disease till the time people experience breast cancer in their own lives or to someone who is nearest and dearest to them: who gets it. After the diagnosis, people understand the disease and treatment involved. Breast cancer is one of the notable, debated, and discussed cancers, but there are still so many misinterpretations in people.
Again, to understand, learn, and Preparedness for Breast cancer, we will revisit the facts and myths which will make us more aware of the disease.
• Breast cancer occurs almost entirely in women
• 99% of breast cancer cases occur in women.
• The second leading cause of cancer-related death
• Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among women.
• 85 of 100 Women will survive 5 years or more
• With early detection, the five-year survival rate for breast cancer is nearly 100%.
• Risk increases with age
• A woman’s risk for developing breast cancer increases as she gets older.
• The chances of developing breast cancer (12% of women – or 1 in 8 – develop breast Cancer)
• Family history increases your risk
• A woman’s risk for developing breast cancer almost doubles if her mother, sister, or daughter has breast cancer.
• Breast cancer commonly occurs in women and rarely in men.
And at the same time, many myths exist in people, which not only spread misconceptions about Breast cancer but also make it complicated for timely and effective treatment.
To avoid panic situations and emotional shocks under the doubts of Breast cancer, it is always advisable for people to visit the super specialist Doctor at, Hospital who is the authority to explain, examine, and, if necessary, treat the disease.
Primary prevention of Breast cancer involves health education and risk reduction awareness in ordinary people. This awareness and education limit the chances so that invasive cancers do not develop. These primary measures include the discontinuation of smoking, an active and healthy lifestyle and diet restrictions, and vitamin and nutrient usage as advised by the doctor.
Also, Read: Mammography and Breast Cancer
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