Mammography is an X-Ray of a breast(s), and with the use of special X-ray images, it can detect any abnormal growth or changes in the breast tissue. This is done with a highly sophisticated digital X-ray machine made especially for scanning breast tissue. For producing a comprehensive set of images, a technician will take pictures from at least two angles; this also helps make a set of images for each of the breasts. This set of images together is called a mammogram. The breast tissue appears white and opaque in the images while fatty tissue appears darker and translucent. Every Women Should get a Mammogram After the age of 40 to avoid diseases like breast cancer etc.

Who Should Get a Mammogram?

We recommend mammograms as part of general health checkups, particularly for women after the age of 40, this can help provide a base for reference or checking up on any unusual changes in/to the breast. A mammogram is the best screening test available for reducing the risk of mortality owing to breast cancer. One in 28 women in India gets diagnosed with breast cancer and diagnosis is still considerably low in the country. Even men get breast cancer.

A mammogram can also help your health care providers decide on a course of action if a lump, growth, or change in your breast requires further testing. The mammogram can also look for lumps that are too tiny to feel in a physical exam.

What is the need for a Mammogram?

Ask the best doctors for breast cancer in Delhi and they will tell you that mammography is indeed your best defense against breast cancer as it can often spot the disease very early on, and much before it can be felt during routine breast exams. When detected early, the chances of survival and remission of breast cancer become considerably higher, women also will not need to have their breasts removed as cancer would be checked before reaching an advanced stage. From our own experience in providing breast cancer treatment in Dwarka, we also attest to the fact that mammography does increase the chances of surviving breast cancer.

What do You need to Prepare for a Mammogram?

You can have whatever food you like, drink as usual and take your routine medicines as usual. Do tell the doctor or technician if you are pregnant or unsure if you are pregnant. Remember not to apply any body powder, or creams, use a deodorant, or lotion on your chest on the day of the test. These can interfere with the X-ray and results.

You’ll need to remove your jewellery and clothing and slip into a hospital gown.

What Happens During a Mammogram?

Registered and highly trained mammography technologists perform a mammogram and most technicians are women. An experienced doctor who specializes in interpreting imaging studies (called a radiologist) will interpret the X-rays and at Aakash Healthcare, you’ll have some of Delhi’s best radiologists to guide you through your mammogram.

When the procedure begins, you will stand before an X-ray machine and a female technologist will place your breast between two radiographic breast supports. The supports will then be pressed together, gently flattening the breast. This needs to be done to get the clearest possible picture using the least radiation. You could feel a little discomfort or mild pain but don’t worry this will last for a few seconds while the X-ray is being taken. If you feel that there’s too much pressure, don’t hesitate to tell the technologist.

You could also consider scheduling your appointment about 7 to 10 days after the start of your period, the time your breasts are least likely to be tender. The breast will be scanned and images will be taken in several positions, this helps radiologists see all the tissue. In a routine breast screening, two pictures of each breast are taken and the exam will take about 20 minutes. You can also ask your centers if they do 3D mammography. This will involve many more pictures of the breast which are taken at various angles to create a 3D picture. After looking at these digital images, radiologists could ask for more images or a breast ultrasound for a better and more accurate diagnosis.

After a Mammogram Effects:

You could see temporary changes in skin color or experience mild aching after the compression. You can take an aspirin or ibuprofen to get relief. You’ll be able to go back to your regular activities right away and your doctor will discuss the results of your mammogram with you and what the results could mean. We make sure to contact our patients as soon as possible if there is a problem with their mammogram. Mammograms save lives, they are safe and convenient, if you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us and we’ll be happy to assist you.

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