Breast cancer is a disease in which breast cells grow abnormally. It commonly develops in cells from the lining of milk ducts or surrounding breast tissue lobules that supply these ducts with milk. Generally, symptoms of Breast Cancer include-a breast lump or thickening, alteration in size, shape, or appearance of a breast, dimpling, redness, pitting or other alteration, abnormal discharge from the nipple or nipple turning inside (inversion). Some frequently asked questions about breast Cancer are, listed below:

1. How Common Is Breast Cancer? 

One woman gets diagnosed with breast cancer every four minutes in India, and one woman dies of breast cancer every 13 minutes. About 1 in 28 women are expected to develop breast cancer during their lifetime. Women in India are generally diagnosed late at a more advanced stage with a poor prognosis due to lack of awareness and shyness to reveal. Cancer treatment can be highly effective, especially when the disease is identified early.

2. Can an injury to the breast cause cancer?

An injury to the breast cannot cause cancer. When the body tries to heal the bruise, it can develop scar tissue. This scar tissue can be mistaken as cancer on a mammogram. However, symptoms of injury should subside within a month. If you are worried, seek confirmation from your doctor.

3. Are most breast lumps caused by cancer?

No. Only one lump out of every ten will be cancerous. This means that 90% of all breast lumps are not cancer. However, the chance of a lump being cancerous increases as you get older. Some women do not have a definite lump but can feel areas of general ‘lumpiness’ in their breasts. Often, your doctor will be able to reassure you that this is normal but is important that you ask your doctor to check thoroughly for any change.

4. Can a benign (non-cancerous) lump turn into cancer?

As per recent studies, though most of the non-cancerous lump has no increased risk of developing breast cancer, few of them have slightly more risk especially if they have a family history or rapid increase in size. It is important to discuss the risk with your surgeon.

5. If I have a benign breast problem, am I more likely to get breast cancer?

Occasionally, the risk is slightly higher in some women with particular benign breast problems. However, you will need to talk this over with your doctor.

6. Do benign problems come back?

Generally, no. However, a small number of women will develop new benign lumps in the future.

7. I felt a lump in my breast, but it didn’t show up in the mammogram. Does that mean I don’t have cancer?

There have been cases, where many women have found lumps in their breasts but the mammogram tests have shown nothing still, it can be cancerous and need some other specific test like Ultrasound and Biopsy as per your Oncologist's opinion.

8. What if the lump turns out to be cancer?

Breast cancer treatment can be highly effective and has a better chance of being cured if detected early. If it turns out to be cancer, speak to your treating doctor and plan the best possible treatment options.

9. What should I do if my doctor says my breast problem is nothing to worry about, but I still feel concerned?

If your doctor has suggested your problem is hormonal, you may wish to wait until after your next period to see if the problem is still there. If it persists or if you are still concerned, you may go back to your doctor or seek a second opinion.

10. What if there is a history of breast cancer in my family?

Women who have a strong family history of breast cancer, such as a mother, or sister who developed breast cancer before menopause, are at increased risk of getting breast cancer. If you are concerned about a family history of breast cancer, talk with a cancer specialist.

11. Will I still have my menstrual periods after breast cancer treatment?

Treatment with chemotherapy and hormonal therapy may cause changes in your menstrual cycle, resulting in irregular menstruation or early menopause. If you are already reaching menopause, your menstrual periods may not return.

12. Can I become pregnant when I have breast cancer?

The belief is that changing female hormones during the pregnancy could encourage the recurrence of breast cancer. However, there is no data to show that this is so. Some doctors will advise you to wait one or two years after completion of treatment before attempting to conceive. Nevertheless, do discuss with your doctor before planning to conceive.

13. When is a mastectomy recommended?

Nowadays, mastectomy is rarely required with few indications. In most cases, breast conservation surgery is feasible with excellent cosmetic outcomes which includes removal of the lump with adequate normal tissue and reconstruction of the breast in more cosmetic techniques. Even women who need mastectomy can opt for full breast reconstruction with implants and a variety of flaps.

In contemporary times cancer care has experienced a paradigm shift and is all about comprehensive care, which requires commitment, expertise and a strong spirit. The Oncology team at Aakash Healthcare Super Specialty Hospital brings together the brightest minds in surgical & Medical Oncology.

Our medical oncology specialists provide state-of-the-art cancer care to the patients. Our team specializes in treating cancer with chemotherapy by the use of medicine to kill cancer cells, usually by stopping the cancer cell’s ability to grow or other medications, such as targeted therapy and oral - in pill - chemotherapy.

Also Read: Types of Lung Cancer: Common & Rare

with Dr. Arun Giri


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