High blood pressure is sometimes called the silent killer because it doesn't cause symptoms till damage has been done. This silence can prove fatal. High blood pressure can cause various serious conditions, including stroke, heart attack, and heart failure. It is important to understand your risk factors for high blood pressure and take steps to reduce them.
Nearly half a million Americans die each year from hypertension. Hypertension is a chronic medical condition where the pressure in your arteries rises above normal. Only one-fourth of people suffering from hypertension have it under control.
Hypertension is sometimes called the silent killer, as it has no warning signs. Regular blood pressure checks are the only way to determine if your blood pressure has reached dangerous levels. Although it sounds frightening, hypertension can be managed.
High blood pressure is often not known by many people. Many people don't know what to do. High blood pressure can develop slowly and may be linked to several causes. High blood pressure is not curable. It can be managed with lifestyle changes and medication when necessary.
Pay attention to your risk factors. These lifestyle and physical attributes make you more susceptible to high blood pressure. You can identify positive changes you can make by being aware of your risk factors. You can avoid serious health problems that could result from high blood pressure.
High blood pressure affects approximately 1 in 3 Americans, or more than 100 million. In India, it affects 20-30 % of the population more in urban than rural areas and rural India is fastly catching up. Only half of these people can control their blood pressure. High blood pressure is a common condition in the late 30s and early 40s. It also increases with age. High blood pressure is also increasing in children due to the obesity epidemic.
Hypertension, or chronically high blood pressure, can damage your blood vessels and other internal organs. Hypertension is a silent threat. It affects nearly half of Americans. The effects on your body can become life-threatening. Your risk can be reduced by adopting healthy lifestyle habits at all stages of your life.
150/100 Blood Pressure
The next question people ask is, should I be worried if my blood pressure is 150/100? Depending on which classification was used, pressures between 140-150/90-1100 would be considered mild hypertension. Moderate hypertension would include pressures between 150-170/100-110 and higher, such as 200-300/100-110. 200/120 would be considered quite severe.
Over time, high blood pressure can develop. It can be caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices such as not engaging in enough physical activity. There are 2 types of hypertension:
Primary hypertension: High blood pressure in most cases is not due to any specific identifiable cause. This form of hypertension is called primary hypertension or essential hypertension. It tends to be gradual and can develop over many years.
Secondary hypertension: An underlying condition that can cause high blood pressure. Secondary hypertension is a type of high blood pressure that can appear suddenly and cause more blood pressure than primary hypertension. Secondary hypertension can be caused by a variety of conditions, such as:
Lifestyle changes can reduce hypertension risk. You can reduce your risk by engaging in regular exercise, avoiding alcohol, smoking, and eating a healthy diet.
To lower blood pressure, individuals at high risk for hypertension may be advised to adhere to the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension diet. The DASH diet could lower blood pressure. This diet is high in fruits and vegetables, low in saturated fat and low in sodium & high in potassium
It is important to find ways to lower sodium intake in diets. A simple reduction in sodium intake can significantly affect blood pressure and improve overall health.
It is important to keep up with your regular appointments, especially if you are a diabetic patient and taking regular medicines for blood pressure.
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