How severe is a grade 3 fatty liver?
Grade 3 fatty liver is the most serious and last stage of fatty liver disease. It refers to a large accumulation of fat in the liver, usually greater than 66% and severe inflammation. It indicates an alarming condition where the risk of disease progression increases.
The symptoms like fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, enlarged liver, itching and unexplained weight loss become more noticeable. And you need to be more cautious about your health as it necessitates timely intervention.
How severe is a grade 3 fatty liver?
The severity of grade 3 fatty liver disease is determined by the amount of fat accumulation in the liver, as well as the presence of inflammation and potential damage to liver cells. It is considered a more advanced stage compared to grade 1 or grade 2 fatty liver disease.
A high percentage of fat and inflammation in the liver and surrounding structures make this stage worse. It occurs when you don’t take necessary measures like lifestyle modifications, medicines and medical intervention in the initial stages of fatty liver.
The capillaries and arteries face difficulty transporting blood and nutrients to the body. Thereby, increasing the risk for vascular occlusion and portal hypertension.
Blood pooling in the portal vein system diverts the blood into the umbilical vein and other capillaries in the abdomen wall. Thus, making the blood vessels clearly visible in the abdomen. Plus, you may have jaundice and yellow eyes.
In addition, you may experience:
Even after treatment, some patients may have a few complications and restoring the original state of the liver becomes difficult. Most patients often ignore the waning symptoms, which may sometimes contribute to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibrosis, cirrhosis, liver cancer or even liver failure if left untreated
In some cases, patients may lose consciousness, go into a coma or require hemodialysis for blood filtration.
What’s next?
If diagnosed with grade 3 fatty liver disease, it is important to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate management and treatment. Lifestyle changes such as adopting a healthy diet, regular exercise, weight loss, and avoiding alcohol consumption are typically recommended.
In some cases, medications may also be prescribed to manage associated conditions like diabetes or high cholesterol and address the symptoms. Regular monitoring and follow-up with a healthcare provider are essential to prevent further progression of the disease. You can consult a liver specialist at Aakash Healthcare, Dwarka, New Delhi.
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