Dementia is a broad term that describes the loss of cognitive functions, like memory, reasoning etc. to such an extent that it gradually starts interfering with a person's day-to-day life.  

Some people diagnosed with this disease may experience personality changes and lose control over their emotions. When the problem reaches a severe stage, the person may need to depend completely on others to perform their routine activities.

The disease has affected millions of lives globally And it is more prevalent among old age groups. As per a study, more than 55 million people currently live with this disease, and there is an estimate that this number will triple by 2050, which is a serious concern. 

The condition has different forms, including Alzheimer's disease. It has been seen that females are more vulnerable to Alzheimer's disease, whereas males are prone to other forms of dementia. The problem occurs when the nerve cells in the brain start degenerating, leading to various symptoms. 

Common early signs and symptoms of dementia

Having memory problems is not the only indication of dementia. Talk to your doctor if you experience any of the following symptoms. He will advise you on the diagnosis based on your condition and symptoms. 

  • Memory change or loss

Trouble recalling things you have recently learnt is a common symptom of this disease. You may be able to remember the things that happened years ago but not what you ate in the morning. Initially, the changes in or loss of memory are subtle, but gradually they become severe. 

  • Difficulty following a plan and communication

You may experience difficulty following a plan. For example, difficulty following directions while driving. Problem-solving, especially easy maths calculations, any day to day monetary transactions and communication also gets difficult, for example, you may struggle to find the right word, stop in the middle of a sentence or not know how to continue the sentence.

  • Mood swings

This is one of the common early symptoms of some forms of dementia. You may start experiencing depression, anxiety or fear when your routine plan changes or you get into unfamiliar situations. The people close to you may notice sudden moods or personality shifts in you.

  • Listlessness

It's a feeling of having no enthusiasm or energy or losing interest in hobbies or activities you used to enjoy. You may not want to enjoy going out and spending time with families and friends. 

  • Confusion

You may misplace things, forget someone you met a few seconds ago, or have difficulty figuring out where you are. 

  • Repetition

Due to general behaviour change and memory loss, you may repeat the daily things, like shaving and bathing. You may raise the same questions in a conversation or tell the same story more than once. 

  • Poor decision-making or judgement

People with dementia may find it hard to understand what is fair and reasonable. For example, they may buy things they may not need. They are also less careful about their personal hygiene.


Dementia is not a single condition. Instead, it can be described as a group of conditions that affect the brain and lead to cognitive decline over time. This affects the person's behaviour, memory, thinking and communication abilities. Above, we have discussed common early signs and symptoms of dementia that will help you recognize the disease earlier. 

Also, Read: What to do in case of sudden brain stroke?

with Dr. Harsh Bhardwaj


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