As breast cancer cases are increasing day by day, it's necessary to create awareness about this debilitating disease. So, let's pledge this "Breast Cancer Awareness" month all women get support and access to the screening they need. 

A recent study reveals that 37.2% of women with breast cancer died from this dreadful disease. It shows the need for spreading awareness among women as well as men. This is a much-needed step to curb the increasing cases and mortalities.

It's high time that we should openly and responsibly talk about the prevention, early detection, and treatment of breast cancer. And most importantly, upholding women's hands to provide them with essential care.

But doing so will require unity and adequate mapping of all the strategies to fuel this campaign and make it successful nationwide.

How to Raise Awareness About Breast Cancer?

  • Word of mouth is an effective way to bolster this campaign.
  • Encourage women to self-examine and make routine appointments with their doctor for early diagnosis of this disease. 
  • Spread awareness through your social media accounts.
  • Reach out one-to-one to people you know. You'll find it easier to share information with an audience you're familiar with. Also, these people can pass on what they have learned from you to other women. This will allow you to scale up your efforts.
  • Create informative and shareable content to expand your reach and inspire women.
  • Contribute financially to help a woman with breast cancer. You don't have to spend a fortune. Even the smallest donation makes a big difference in women's lives across the country.
  • Organize street shows, especially in rural areas, to help people know the need for open conversation and proper treatment of this disease.

How to Reduce the Risk of Getting Breast Cancer?

Research shows that lifestyle changes can reduce the risk of breast cancer, even in high-risk women (those with a family history of breast or ovarian cancer). Here are some tips shared by Dr. Parveen Jain, Senior Consultant & HOD, Oncology, Aakash Healthcare Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi, to mitigate the chances of breast cancer. 

  • Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is found to be dangerous for overall health. Women who have one alcoholic drink a day are 7% to 10% more prone to breast cancer compared to those who don't drink. So, it's recommended to either stop or limit alcohol consumption.

  • Keep a Healthy Weight

Being overweight after menopause greatly increases the chances of getting this disease. That's because post-menopause most estrogen comes from fat tissue. Accumulation of these tissues increases estrogen levels and breast cancer risk. So, it's advised to stay at a healthy weight by balancing your diet and exercise routine. 

  • Be Physically Active

Adults should consider doing moderate aerobic activities for at least 150 to 300 minutes, vigorous aerobic exercise for 75 to 150 minutes every week, and strength training at least twice weekly. 

  • Breastfeeding and reproductive fertility 

Women who have not had children or had their first child after the age of 30 are more vulnerable to this virulent disease compared to those who had many pregnancies or children at a young age. Moreover, breastfeeding is protective against this cancer. 

  • Postmenopausal Hormone Therapy

Several hormone therapies after menopause may increase the chances of breast cancer. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of the therapy before considering it. 

Can Healthy Food Prevent Breast Cancer?

Healthy eating can reduce the risk of some types of cancer, as well as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. 

Consider a Mediterranean diet and supplement with extra virgin olive oil and mixed nuts. Plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts dominate the Mediterranean diet. 

Do Birth Control Pills Cause Breast Cancer?

Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, which include birth control pills and hormone-releasing IUDs, is not good for breast health. Consult your doctor to know what birth options you can prefer.

When to Seek a Doctor?

If you notice any changes in your breasts, such as a new lump or skin changes, consult Dr. Parveen Jain immediately. He has expertise in the management of both haematological and non-haematological malignancies.

In addition, you should consider a routine annual mammogram after age of 45 years and an X-ray picture of the breast, which helps in the early diagnosis of breast cancer and allows you to seek the best treatment options available.

Also, Read: Why Women Should be Careful of after forty

with Dr. Parveen Jain


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