Becoming a parent is a very overwhelming feeling. It brings a lot of things to life, along with nervousness and concerns about how to care for a newborn baby. If you also have the same question, read on. This will make you confident and will ease up this new journey.

What to Do After Becoming a Parent?

Reach out to a doctor and ask him/her about the basics of handling, bonding, diapering, bathing, feeding, burping, etc. You can also learn from your friends' and relatives' experiences.

  • Handling a Newborn

    Before handling a baby, wash your hands as they are more at risk of infection due to weak immunity. When carrying up or laying down, support your baby's head.

    Make sure not to shake your baby even when you want to wake her. Instead, tickle the baby's feet or blow gently on a cheek. 

    Whenever you place your baby in the carrier, stroller, and car set, always ensure that she is securely fastened. Remember that your newborn is not ready for rough plays like being thrown in the air.

  • Bonding

    We all love babies but bridging a special and soothing bond is crucial for pleasurable infant care. The physical connection can foster emotional closeness. For this, just fall in love with them. 

    Babies seem happier when they are loved unconditionally by their parents. Babies like vocal sounds like singing, babbling, cooing, or talking. However, some babies are sensitive to noise and sound. If this is the case, keep the sound and light low to moderate.

    The doctor also recommends swaddling (wrapping a baby in a piece of cloth) for the first week to keep her warm and protected. 

  • Diapering

    A newborn baby requires almost 6 to 10 diapers a day. For diapering, you need a clean diaper, diaper ointment, wipes, or a bowl of hot water & a hygienic cloth. In case you are planning to use cloth pre-fold diapers, you also need a fastener.

    Whenever there’s a need to change the diaper, lay your baby on the back on a soft surface, remove the diaper, gently wipe the genital area using a wipe, use the ointment to prevent any rash, and finally, put on the clean diaper. And then wash your hands.

  • Bathing

    Only give your baby a sponge bath until the cord fall (1-2 weeks), and the navel (1-4 weeks) heals completely. In the first year, daily or two or three baths a week is okay. 

    Choose a safe, warm and flat surface. Undress the baby and wrap her in a clean cloth. Now, gently clean the baby's eyes with a clean cloth dampened with water only. Then move to the nose and ears and clean them with a damp cloth. 

    Now, using baby shampoo, gently wash the baby's head. Then, using a wet cloth and soap, gently wash the rest of the baby's body and pat it dry. Then diaper and dress up your baby.

    You can also go for a tub bath, but only if the baby is not upset with it. Also, ensure that the water in the tub is not more than 2-3 inches deep.

  • Feeding

    A newborn baby needs feeding after every 2 to three hours. But how to know when to feed your baby? And how to breastfeed your baby? Read about breastfeeding and 15+ breastfeeding tips to feed your baby without pain.

    Babies often swallow air during breast and bottle-feeding, making them experience gastrointestinal reflux or fussiness; try burping (gently pat or rub the baby's back) your little one after feeding for 5 - 16 min and if they don't burp then make them lie on 30 inclined surfaces.

  • Sleeping

    Usually, newborns sleep for a period of two to four hours. The digestive system of newborn babies is so small that they need nourishment every few hours.

    Babies usually sleep around 10 - 16 hours a day. If your baby sleeps less than the recommended, then, You should immediately consult your doctor.

    Some babies tend to sleep more during the day and awake at night. To make the baby sleep at night, keep the light low and reserve the daytime to talk and play with your kid. Whenever your baby wakes during the daytime, keep her awake a little longer by playing with her, so she sleeps during the night. 

    Always lay the babies on their backs to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). In addition to this, also do not use blankets, sheepskins and quilts, as these things can suffocate the baby.

    Also, ascertain to alternate the baby's head every night for the first month to prevent the development of a flat spot on one side of the head.   


Initially, you may feel overwhelmed about how to care for a newborn baby. But gradually, you develop this routine and do parenting like a pro. Above, we have discussed the basics of caring for your baby. You can also discuss this with your doctor and enjoy these new lovable moments. 

Also, Read: Can Diabetes Affect My Unborn Baby?

with Dr. Sameer Punia


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