The normal weight of a child is somewhere between 2.5 to 3.5 kg. If your child weighs less than 2.5 kg, they are classified as low birth weight. This could occur in premature infants. If your infant was born early, their circumstance differs from those of newborns who were born between the periods of 37-42 weeks.

There are many reasons babies are born with low birth weight. It could be genetic, the baby is being born prematurely due to an illness or medical condition, an issue with the placenta, and high blood pressure that could have slowed the baby's growth. While some babies with a low infant weight are healthy, some might require intervention.


Keep a record of your meals.

Since breastmilk is the primary food source for your child, it is essential to eat a balanced diet to make healthy breast milk. Eat enough protein along with healthy fats and a lot of water / Liquids.

It is vital to obtain enough iron and calcium. Barley, fennel, Fenugreek seeds, leafy veggies, and whole grains such as papaya and oats are just a few foods that can assist in improving the quantity and quality of breastmilk. Avoid eating foods that cause inflammation.


Contact between skin and skin

Skin-to-skin contact is beneficial to both you and your baby. The act of putting your baby's body ( avoiding face ) directly against your skin, known as kangaroo mother care, is also:


  • Help baby to gain weight
  • Keep baby's body warm
  • Control baby's heart and breathing rate
  • Allow baby to spend more significant time in deep sleep
  • Have a higher chance of breastfeeding success
  • Help, the baby, spend more time in peace, focus, and less crying.

Feed your baby on time

Breastfeeding is the most effective method of feeding your baby. Ensure you do not provide the baby with anything other than breast milk during the first six months after the birth.

To help your baby gain weight, your child's paediatrician will advise feeding your baby on demand. Keep a log of the time she's taken her milk, and provide her regularly to ensure she receives her food appropriately.

Infants with low birth weights are sometimes advised to feed every two hours, even if it requires waking the baby from a nap or deep sleep if they are not gaining weight.


Be sure to follow the safe sleep guidelines

Co-sleeping has benefits and can make breastfeeding at night much more accessible for many moms. You can also appreciate the bonding that sleeping with your child brings.

Keep in mind that infants three months old or less, who were born prematurely, or with an infant with a low birth weight are at risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in co-sleeping.


Massage your child

Absorption of the lipids takes place via the skin. Hence regular massages with oil can aid your child in gaining weight slowly. They can also help improve the baby's metabolism, behavior, and mental development. Use a tiny amount of oil on your hands, and rub them to warm them. You can also apply the oil to your baby's skin before massaging it.

Low birth weight and premature babies respond well to gentle stroking or rubbing. The use of oil can allow you to massage and make it easier on your child. Keep in mind that massage should not be vigorous and limited only to gentle rubbing.


Help baby grow

Your child should be healthy and full of energy so they can develop and learn, and you can assist by meeting their essential needs.

To ensure the baby is happy to thrive, ensure that you set aside time to be with, hold and massage your child. Find out what your child likes and dislikes. Watch their unique personality emerge.


Be aware of development closely.

Make sure you regularly bring your child to the paediatrician and don't skip the appointment for any checks. This will assist both you and your doctor observe the baby's growth and detect any issues earlier. Also, ensure that your baby receives all their vaccinations promptly.

Tracking the baby's height, weight, and head circumference is crucial because it allows the doctor caring for your baby to evaluate the progress of your baby's development.

Suppose the baby is not growing weight as you expect. In that case, your paediatrician will look at your baby's nutritional habits and routine and monitor your child's growth and any health concerns more attentively.

But never forget to believe in your gut. You are the only one who knows your baby's best. If you're concerned about anything, it's best to consult your child's doctor.


Treatments for a baby with a low birth weight

Doctors and nurses care for premature infants or babies with low birth weights all day. They have various modern tools available to ensure that even their most vulnerable patients receive the attention required to get off to a good start.

In the hospital, babies born with low birth weight management are comprised of:


Surfactant or oxygen supplementation

Infants with lungs that aren't fully developed may require additional Oxygen or Surfactant (a protein that keeps the air sacs inside the lung from collapsing).


Babies with jaundice can be put under special lamps to help the body process and excrete Bilirubin. If the treatment with light doesn't work, alternative treatments that involve blood exchange transfusions or injections of antibodies might be necessary, but they are very rare.

Treatment or surgery

If your baby is suffering from ROP (eye issues) or PDA (heart issues), The doctor could suggest surgery or medication.

Fluids IV or Gavage Feeding

For infants who cannot eat, An IV or a small tube placed inside the stomach through the mouth will ensure that they receive vital minerals, vitamins, nutrients, and fluids required for growth and development.

It's not a secret that having a premature baby with a low birth weight can be difficult. Be aware that advances in medical technology over the last few years have made it possible to ensure that most babies will get up to speed and develop into entirely healthy, normal children.


But, if your child was born with an infant weight that was not ideal, it is possible to reach all their developmental needs and grow into a healthy infant by receiving proper medical attention. 

However, if your child doesn't gain weight after following the suggestions suggested, you must talk to your child's paediatrician. The most effective method to monitor the growth of your baby's weight is to weigh them regularly. 

If your baby isn't growing weight at the speed you'd like, your doctor might recommend supplements or the use of a different feeding schedule.

Also, Read: Recurrent Abdominal Pain In Children - What a Parent needs to know?

with Dr. Gaurav Jain


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