Most people with a squint did not receive treatment in the past, and this was generally down to several causes. However, if you are looking for squint eye surgery in Delhi today or choose to go for squint eye treatment without surgery: both options are available and most of Delhi’s best eye specialists do provide them.
A Squint, also called strabismus is a misalignment between the two eyes because of which both eyes do not look in the same direction together or rather, they can’t. Essentially, one of the two eyes may not be able to focus on things others can easily look at. When a person with a squint looks straight ahead, the afflicted eye could turn inside or outside, upwards or downwards: all are possible. The misalignment caused by squints can be constant, or it can come and go from time to time.
Squint is commonly seen in children but may be present in adults also. Many of the best child eye specialists in Delhi always advise parents to keep track of their infants’ eyes as squints usually develop during this age.
Most cases of squint in young children are usually associated with weak eyesight from birth whereas squints found in adults are usually tracked down to secondary causes such as heavy trauma to the eye due to accidents or injuries, lesions in the brain, spending too much time in front of screens like computers, laptops, tablets, etc. And these have to naturally be supervised and managed very differently in children. Children who have squint usually learn how to suppress and capture images from their deviating eye, while adults usually cannot and report double vision or diplopia. That is why squint eye treatment in adults and children is different.
Many people in the past and even today believe that squints are a permanent condition without any chance of correction or people think the squint eye surgery cost is too much, or its correction is only possible at a younger age; none of this is true. Did you know that squint eyes can be straightened at any age?
In some cases, squints can also alternate between both eyes. By now you may be wondering what causes squints?
Squints occur due to an incorrect balance between eye muscles, childhood ailments and illnesses in kids, refractive errors, nerve palsy and a host of other reasons.
Treating or “correcting” a squint will not happen on its own and the best squint surgeons in Delhi always recommend treatment be started as soon as possible for the best outcomes.
Treatment for squint usually begins with the prescription of glasses and after some time an eye specialist will reassesses the squint. In case it is amblyopia, or lazy eye, doctors may recommend patching up the good eye based an age-based schedule. Some other paediatric ophthalmologists go in for penalising the good eye with dilating eye drops. Both techniques work by forcing the weaker eye to see better and have been successful in the treatment children with squint, especially those under the age of eight.
Some eye doctors can also prescribe prims (a special kind of glasses, particularly effective for cases with small deviations). The main aim is getting squint eye treatment without surgery, if possible.
The best child eye specialists also advise eye exercises to strengthen the eye muscles which can be done either at an eye hospital nearby with a machine called the synoptophore or be done at home.
In case, if squint surgery is required, and you’re considering the cost of squint eye surgery, feel free to contact us and our expert eye doctor will discuss the sequence and planning of your operation with you.
We have found that in many cases surgery on one eye is good enough but in other cases with significant deviations, surgery on both eyes could be required.
In very rare cases there may arise the possibility of needing more than one surgery for the best cosmetic and functional results overall, and a surgery could also be required if the squint recurs later on, or if there is partial correction which may need further improving.
If a squint is suspected, then it is paramount that the baby be evaluated at the earliest. It could even be a “Pseudo Squint” which might appear due to a wide gap between the eyes, a flat nose bridge. Squint treatment for children may be needed if the child has a Congenital Squint, Long Sightedness or Hypermetropia, childhood illnesses like a viral fever, measles, meningitis, etc, injuries to the nerves or it could be hereditary.
We have some of the best eye surgeons in Delhi at your disposal at Aakash Healthcare, with a world-class ophthalmology department replete with state-of-the-art technology and highly proficient care staff that will assist you through the course of your treatment with us Synonyms for "?"
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