If anyone suffers from sleep apnea, their breath is constantly interrupted and then resumes during sleep. It is characterized by daytime sleepiness and loud snoring, and restless sleep. The majority of people suffering from sleep apnea suffer from sleep apnea.

It happens when there's an obstruction in the airway in the upper. An issue causes another form known as central sleep apnea with the signaling system within the nervous system.

If the airway is closed or the sign is held, the person stops breathing. It happens for a short time, but it will repeatedly happen throughout sleep. If they breathe again, they may snort or take a deep breath or be completely awakened by the sensation of gasping, smothering, or even choking.

Untreated sleep apnea can result in complications like depression and heart disease. It may also make the person feel sleepy and increase the risk of accidents when working or driving.

Here, you can learn more about the causes and treatment options.

New sleep apnea treatment 2021

The goal of new sleep apnea treatment is to improve breathing patterns during sleep and to address any health issues that may be underlying. The treatment options will vary based on the cause and severity of the symptoms.


Different surgical procedures can open up the airway of people suffering from OSA. Surgery can tighten or shrink the obstruction of tissue or eliminate excessive tissue or tonsils that are enlarged. Based on the severity of the procedure, the patient may undergo the process at an office of a physician or an inpatient hospital.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) therapy

It is the primary treatment for sleep apnea. It helps keep the airway clear by giving continuous airflow at a positive pressure through an air mask.

Certain people experience difficulties with CPAP and decide to stop treatment before they have seen any benefit that lasts. But, there are many ways to aid in making the device more comfortable and the adjustment time easy.

One can adjust the mask's settings and features. The addition of moisture to the air that flows through the mask may help relieve the nasal discomfort.


Certain medications may aid in CSA, but they should only be taken after consulting with a sleep expert. Examples include:

  • Triazolam
  • Acetazolamide
  • Zolpidem

However, they can be extremely harmful and might not be appropriate for all people.

Mandibular repositioning device (MRD)

The mouthpiece keeps the jaw in a forward-facing position during sleeping to open up the area behind your tongue. It keeps the airway in the mouth's upper part open, preventing apnea and snoring.

Some of the side effects associated with an MRD could include tooth or jaw discomfort and the possibility of aggravation of the temporomandibular joint disorder.


Your physician may conduct an assessment based upon your symptoms and signs and an account of your sleep patterns and can be provided with assistance from anyone who is sharing the bed with you or in your family if possible.

You're likely to be directed to a center for sleep disorders. The sleep expert will help you identify the need for further examination.

The most common evaluation method is overnight observation at a center for the sleep of your breathing and other body functions that occur during sleep. A sleep test at home may be an alternative. The tests to detect sleep apnea can include:

Nocturnal polysomnography. In this test, your body is connected to equipment that monitors your heart, brain, and lung activity and breathing patterns, leg and arm movement, and the levels of blood oxygen while you're sleeping.

Sleep tests at home. The doctor may give you simplified tests to use at home for diagnosing sleep apnea. These tests typically test your heartbeat, blood oxygen levels, breathing patterns, and airflow.

If the results aren't normal, the doctor may be able to recommend an intervention without further testing. Portable monitoring devices cannot detect the majority of cases of sleep apnea; however, doctors may still recommend polysomnography if the initial results appear normal.

If you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (sleep apnea), I recommend you see a nose, ear, and throat specialist to determine if there's a blockage in your throat or nasal. A visit to a heart specialist (cardiologist) and a physician who is an expert in the nervous system (neurologist) could be needed to identify the causes that cause sleep apnea.

Can sleep apnea be cured naturally?

The treatment alternatives for sleeping apnea differ based on the degree of the symptoms. If you are experiencing mild symptoms, you could find relief through natural treatments such as losing weight, not drinking alcohol, or changing your sleeping position.

If you have sleep apnea that is severe to moderate, you may require a more the most advanced treatment. The most effective natural remedies for sleep apnea:

Sleep Apnea Pillow

Other pillows, like wedges or memory foam pillows, can significantly improve sleep and decrease the incidence of apnea, even in mild cases. Sleep apnea pillows do not constitute an effective treatment for the condition and are not recommended as a substitute for official diagnoses.

While a pillow isn't going to cure sleep apnea, it could reduce the number of apneas that you suffer from or help you feel more comfortable wearing your pillow throughout the night, significantly enhancing the quality of your sleep and how you feel the following day.

What causes sleep apnea

Many factors can cause the obstruction and collapse of airways. These include:

  • Nasal Congestion
  • The Lax Muscles And Other Tissues in The Mouth And The Throat
  • An underlying Neurological Issue
  • Thickened Tissues and Additional Fat Storage Areas In The Airway

They can be a result of:

  • Colds and Allergies
  • Genetic Factors
  • Thyroid Problems
  • Obesity
  • Large Or Swollen Tonsils
  • Heart Failure or Kidney Failure

Preterm babies may suffer from sleep apnea. However, this tends to improve with time.

How to cure sleep apnea naturally at home without CPAP

The most common sleep apnea treatment is wearing a CPAP mask at night. Although effective, some are uncomfortable with this method. Certain home remedies could provide similar advantages. Here are six different options to help reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea.

1. Try yoga

Regular exercise will boost your energy levels, build up your heart, and help improve sleep apnea. Yoga is a significant way to enhance your respiratory power and increase oxygen flow.

Sleep apnea can result from lower levels of oxygen in the blood. Yoga can boost oxygen levels in your blood by performing numerous breathing exercises. Yoga helps reduce the number of sleep disruptions you could suffer from.

2. Maintain an appropriate weight

Doctors typically advise people suffering from sleep apnea to lose weight. Weight gain, particularly within the upper body, increases the chance of airway obstruction and the narrowing of nasal passages. These obstructions may cause sudden breathing stops or long periods during sleep.

A healthy weight will keep your airways clean and help reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Studies show that a modest weight loss in overweight people may eliminate the necessity for surgery on the upper airways or long-term CPAP treatment.

In certain instances, the loss of weight can solve sleep apnea. However, if you gain weight, it's likely for the condition to recur.

3. Make use of an air humidifier.

Humidifiers are gadgets that help to add moisture to the air. Dry air can irritate your respiratory system and body. A humidifier can help allow your airways to breathe, lessen congestion, and help you to have more clear breathing.

You can consider including peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus oils in the humidifier to get additional benefits. The three essential oils listed above have been proven to have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

4. Alternate your sleep position

Even if it's only a tiny modification, changing your sleeping posture can lessen sleep apnea-related symptoms and enhance the quality of your sleep. Studies have found that sleeping on your back, also known as the supine position, is a risk to worsen the symptoms. For certain adults, lying on your side can aid in breathing back to normal.

Talk about body position and sleep apnea signs with your doctor to determine the options available to treat.

5. Beware of smoking and drinking alcohol.

Lifestyle changes can help improve your health and promote more restful sleep. Take a look at quitting smoking and restricting your alcohol consumption to prevent sleep apnea-related issues.

Alcohol can relax the throat muscles, which control your breathing. It could lead to your partner's snoring and disrupt your sleep cycle. It could also cause inflammation of your airways, restricting airflow.

Like alcohol, smoking tobacco can cause swelling and inflammation of your airways. It could increase the frequency of sleeping apnea or snoring.


Sleep apnea is an extremely common condition that causes breathing to slow down while they sleep. It can cause tiredness and difficulty in focusing or concentrating and could be a sign of an underlying issue. A lot of times, people do not recognize they have sleep apnea. However, anyone who has them may observe.

Always consult your physician if you're experiencing daytime drowsiness or have a pattern of sleeplessness. Anyone who has trouble sleeping during the day is advised to see a physician who will assist them in figuring out the cause and ways to fix the issue.

Also, Read: FENO Test – its Advantages, Procedure & Precautions

with Dr. Akshay Budhraja


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