Certain foods and exercises can trigger your symptoms and hinder the healing process. So, it’s best to follow some dietary and exercise restrictions till your doctor’s recommendation to avoid flare-ups. This guide will briefly discuss what you should avoid in your diet and exercise regimen to manage symptoms and avoid flare-ups. 

Note: These restrictions can vary from person to person, so it’s always best to consult a doctor. 

Dietary Restrictions

Though some foods like whole grains, lean protein, fruits & vegetables strengthen the immune system, certain foods can affect the healing process and trigger symptoms.   

  • Processed & sugary foods: Although processed, sugary, and unhealthy foods satiate the taste buds, they can trigger inflammation. These food items have high amounts of additives, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners. So, it’s good to avoid packaged foods, candies, sodas, and fast food.
  • Red meat or processed meat: Red and processed meat are high in saturated fats that can trigger inflammation. So, it’s good to avoid them until you heal completely. 
  • Refined grains: Refined grains like pastries, white bread, and pasta lack fibre and nutrients. As a result, the blood sugar level rises in the body, which is a concern for shingles. 
  • Arginine rich foods: Nuts contain a good amount of arginine, which aggravates the symptoms. So, it’s good to avoid nuts, especially peanuts. Additionally, chocolates, pumpkin seeds, and other seeds also have arginine.  

Exercise Restrictions

Some patients need to avoid certain exercises until their rash has not scabbed over. Often people ask whether they can do their routine work. Well, the answer lies in the severity of your symptoms and whether you are still contagious. 

You will be recommended to avoid sharing personal items like towels, blankets, or clothes. Sometimes patients are recommended to stay home and avoid close contact and swimming. 

What activities you can do primarily depends on how much they affect the affected area. Categorise the activities based on the discomfort and pain they cause. This will help you know what activities you can easily do.

It’s good to avoid strenuous activities like running, or cycling till the rash heals, as they can irritate the shingles. As shingles often affect the chest, stomach, and back, avoid exercises (like bench press) that require you to lay on those areas. And most importantly, get enough rest and periodic follow up with a doctor. 

with Dr. Kanu Verma


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